Digitization of handwritten documents

For a renowned company in the door construction industry, we implemented a handwriting recognition app to digitize the assembly forms.


AI-based Handwriting Recognition

A renowned company in the door construction industry was faced with the challenge of modernizing its traditional paper-based assembly process and making it more efficient. In particular, the manual recording of information from hand-filled forms was proving to be time-consuming and prone to errors. To overcome this challenge, the door manufacturer decided to implement a handwriting recognition app to digitize the assembly forms.



Industrial doors

The industrial door industry deals with the development, production, distribution and installation of doors for industrial applications.



We introduced the solution in a German SME with over 30 employees.


2 Months

The project was completed within 2 months in close cooperation with the client.


Time savings

The introduction led to a significant reduction in the time required for manual data entry.

Digitization of assembly forms via app

Our Approach

We offer our clients support as consultants, partners and developers to turn their projects and ideas into success stories.

step 1

Data Analysis

In the assessment phase, we conducted a comprehensive analysis, identifying operational challenges and opportunities:

step 2

Strategic Planning

In the assessment phase, we conducted a comprehensive analysis, identifying operational challenges and opportunities:

step 3


By developing a handwriting recognition app, we were able to read and digitise information from assembly forms filled out by hand and integrate it seamlessly into the existing assembly tool.


Unsere Zusammenarbeit führte zu einer transformativen Reise für die Disposition.

Durch die Implementierung der App konnten Fehler minimiert & Zeit gespart werden. Die nahtlose Integration in das bestehende Montage-Tool ermöglicht einen unmittelbaren und genauen Datentransfer, wodurch die Gesamteffizienz des Montageprozesses gesteigert wurde.

This success story shows the tangible results of our customized strategies and illustrates how efficiency, innovation and customer centricity can redefine a company's journey and establish it as an industry leader.


For a leading German management consultancy, we implemented a customized GPT chatbot as a knowledge manager.
For a German e-commerce provider, we implemented a GenAI chatbot to process customer enquiries automatically.

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